Data Warehouse Services

The backbone for Analytics and Business Intelligence.

Enterprise Data Warehouse


Your data warehouse is like the foundation of your home. It needs to be sound to support everything in it. Analytics should never be an afterthought when it comes to housing your data. It can help you realize a great return on investment and ensure the foundation of your business is in top-notch shape. We can help you analyze your business needs to drive the design of your data warehouse, including a solid data model, business intelligence framework, smart database and an efficient data integration architecture so that it’s optimal for analytics and business intelligence.

Each implementation takes into account

your unique business needs, which often include:

  • Overall support for Analytics
  • Complimenting additional architecture like data lakes and big data platforms
  • Properly and efficiently managing data cleansing, enrichment and integration
  • Allowing all users to have access to have an enterprise view of the data
Our data warehouse capabilities include

For many, data integration is just bringing the data from multiple source systems and parking in a Data Warehouse. For us, it means Data Dump. It is very common today for large businesses to have multiple IT systems for transacting various aspects of the business. It is common to have a financial system, a CRM system and one or many ERP systems – just to name a few. In such an environment, it is important to integrate and reconcile the data from variety of systems for making complex business decisions. Proper Data Integration involves Data Modeling, Master Data Management, Change Data Capture and Data Quality.

Data Integration