Software Testing Services


Software testing in an inevitable activity in the journey of delivering exceptional digital experiences and solutions to end users, today. This activity has evolved significantly in the last two decades maturing alongside changes in technologies, development methodologies and market needs. This evolution has augmented it both as a full-fledged practice that provides sustainable career opportunities to several engineers as well as brought in solid efficiencies from a software development and quality standpoint.

Tech 5D has been a global player in the software testing and quality engineering business since 2020. As a seasoned player in this industry we have seen the changes in the market as well as at our end, having started off as an independent software testing services company. While the importance of an unbiased quality player will always be valuable, today, QA and testing services providers have a more important role to play. As quality enablers, a software testing company will have to balance quality amongst other business critical attributes – one has to enable everyone on the product team own quality within their scope of work. To this extent, QA and testing services providers today, will have to increasingly focus on designing and implementing solid test automation frameworks that will enhance everyone’s productivity and quality.

Core KPIs Critical to Software Testing Providers:
  • Ultimate ownership for quality of the released solutions – in this journey, enable everyone own quality, thereby making quality a non-compromised service
  • Sensitize the entire product, business and stakeholder team not just on functional quality, but also non-functional elements so as to finalize and implement a quality strategy that aligns with business goals
  • Continue to be invested in R&D and industry developments to embrace latest practices, in the drive to make quality cost and time effective yet robust and maintainable
  • Bring in metrics driven objectivity in quality especially given the collective ownership

Having seen the industry grow from black box independent testing to gray to white box testing, Tech 5D offers the entire gamut of software quality engineering and testing services. We have clients that are large and small; clients that are mature and ones that are just starting; clients across technologies, product lines and platforms. Our services are mature enough to work in a plug and play yet customized model to align with the client’s needs. Software testing has and continues to be at the cross roads for some time now – the scope, the collaborations, the role of engineers, tools sets being used, KPIs are all changing. Change is the only constant in this industry like in other places too. Embracing this change requires the right understanding and positive outlook for quality. It also requires a forethought in the quality industry be it from a tool set standpoint, practices such as crowd testing, enabling without trespassing the scope of integrated functions amongst several others.

Why Tech 5D for Your Software Testing Services?
  • A trustworthy partner who stands the test of time for quality
  • Experience having worked with a range of services, technologies, geographies, platforms and tool sets
  • Enabling a balance between shift left and shift right in the ongoing journey to optimal software development
  • Global evangelists for software quality both from business and CSR standpoints

Please reach out to us with your needs, questions and allow us to showcase how we can help you in your journey to exceptional quality. For a complete set of the detailed quality services we offer please visit our services.

Software Testing Services

  • Functional Testing
  • automation Testing
  • Mobile Testing
  • Globalization Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Accessiblility Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • security Testing
  • Courseware & Content Testing
  • Crowdsourced Testing
  • Data Sciences & Analytics
  • SAP Testing
  • Digital Assurance
  • Selenium Test Automation
  • Blockchain Apps Testing